Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Did you hear about that girl who got punched in the face at kohls? You did now. oh and DFTBA.


A day that will always live in my memory for 3 reasons.

1. A lady got punched in the face. (this isnt funny because a woman got punched by a man but because a human being punched another human being for material reasons)

2. I dont really have 3 reasons it just sounds like a better number than just 1 reason.

3. Also I wanted to make a list because it's what John Green does in his books. I kinda think he is awesome.

From turkey till sunrise I did not sleep at all. I stayed up to make sure i would be at Kohls right before 3 am hit.At 2 I wake my mother up, shower and get ready. 2 15: I am driving and 2:50 We get there. Right on time. I tell my mom

"Drop me off, I'll get in line."

Screw that! I got out of the car and the line was I kid you not ...well huge. I wanted to say a mile but then I would be kidding and sense i promised i wouldnt....

I decided instead that sense it would be useless to get in line and because all the action would be happening at the front door i just decided to wait there. Then something epic. BLACK FRIDAY DRAMA!

Picture 2 sets of doors and at 1 side there is the huge line at another there is nothing, that is until an attractive man in a red jacket decides to do the unthinkable and start another line. The people who had been waiting for 3 hours looked furious. but that didnt compare to how they sounded. There was shouting and angry words exchanged and to fix this we all looked for someone working there that could help. We found 2 very young college girls. They were the only 2 people from Kohls who were working outside. If there were 2 girls more unfit to settle a black friday smackdown it was Tiffany and.....that other girl

I decide to help the crowd out by making them laugh. I stand by the guy who created the 2nd line and start shouting:


I immediately take two steps and turn around and shout:


It seemed to help but not so much.

It's 2:59 and the blood is pumping. People are anxious, nervous, and well thats about all they are.

3:00 am. Doors open there is a RUSH to the door. All of a sudden a man starts punching people in the face.

There is only one way I can describe trying to get into the door: It was like being reborn. A huge baby trying to get through a girls downstairs. It was a slow push and when it was done you feel all sweaty and gross. I get in and find my mom her thumb was literally cut open. I WAS SO JEALOUS. SHE GETS THE BATTLE WOUND NOT ME??? WHAT THE HELL!

This next part is the part that makes me the most mad. I ask my mom what we actually need:

"Mom what do we actually need?"

"Well they have a good sale on towels"

That's right I went to Kohls at 3 a.m. to see people get wrecked. My mom went for towels. NBD.

So I have my mission. Towels. Priority #1. I run up to the closest Kohls associate who happens to be a very old frail women. I get right in front of her:


After the initial shock she points me to the right direction. I power jog my way straight to the towels. I see my mom is already there calmly picking up towels feeling them and brushing them on her face finding out which ones are the best. Meanwhile all these other ladies are getting around her grabbing towels and running to find there next item. She doesn't notice any of this happening of course and, I'm still in shock: How the heck she get there before me?

The rest of black friday was pretty exciting but not exciting for me to blog about although I did get a 225$ down comforter for an amazing 25$ (king size to!)

In other news. I got my first two DFTBA Records cds!!!! Although I'm quite sure that none of my friends reading this are nerd fighters (besides monica and ashton! :D)* The first one called Erase This, I got was free from Alan putting up a download in honor of thanksgiving. It is extremely good. The second I bought. It is called 117% complete from Alex Day. It features 3 songs and buttons! It only cost 6 dollars with shipping so I was quite pleased.

Something I have to say about DFTBA records is I dont mind downloading songs for free illegally from anyone except DFTBA. I have so much respect for them and there music that I would rather punch small lizards then download there music.

You can get both records here http://dftba.com/shop/

* I would like to note that this smiley face is suppose to look like this: :D but because I had to put an end parentheses it looks like this :D) please note that the : is suppose to be eyes and the D is suppose to be a large smiling face. The D is not a nose and the end parentheses is not the smile


1 comment:

  1. +1, Too bad I'd already heard this story.. tbh It's a bit better on your blog. More awesome details.
