Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 1 of Whatever.

1. My favorite poem is Nothing Gold can Stay.

2. I have three best friends- Megan Holt Ariel Lee Ian Anthony. They are really great people. I don't have to pretend when I am with them. Actually we pretend sometime to. And that is also fun.

3 I really like quotes. I like taking quotes and putting them on an edited picture using picnik

4 My favorite tv shows in no particular order: SKINS, Weeds, King of queens, Big Brother (actually, those are probably the order starting with favorite going to fourth favorite.

5 I love to play card games. They make me think about life and how people really act in the world. For instance, I cheat at practically every card game I play (Just for the record I never cheat at clue) Sometimes people are to stupid to realize or they just don't seem to notice. They don't care, or (my personal favorite) They help me cheat. This makes me think about how I act in real life. What won't I do to get what I want? Who is going to stop me when i'm making the bad decisions? Who actually doesn't care and Who helps. This interests me very much.

6 One time I asked my niece (age2) where her sister (who had passed away a {age 4] year previous )lived, She told me that she lived in a castle with Jesus. When she said this I knew it to be true.

7 I don't really get on with my family. This might seem normal for every teenager existing but, I am 20 now and the plague is still with me. For some reason I don't seem to mind.

8 I look at photographs alot. After seeing what the main part of the photograph was (the family at disneyland or me with my friends) I look at the background and I see the people who are walking past and I think about why my connection is with them, If I will ever see them again, If they are ever going to be in my life, if they will end up being a good friend, or the person that ends up shooting me or something. I realize that this is very dramatic. Get over it.

9 I think people who say "There is nothing in my life I regret" are completely mental. They are pathetic and I really don't get along with them. If there is nothing you regret then take more chances and live a bit more

10 The person I love the most in the world is me and it took me a long time to figure that out.

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