Listen to this while you read the blog post. It's a 3 song playlist i found. er....created. I don't know why I said found.
The hardest part is not hearing the words that you can so easily relate.
It's not the mirrored reflection that is difficult to watch.
The similarities are not the hardest part.
The words that you have so carefully prepared over and over in your head and then to hear them being dramatically retold is not at all difficult to take.
You have lived that experience. You know it to a T.
The hardest part is the God honest reply
The one that you have never heard but have memorized.
The one that you have in the back of your mind but you have never experienced.
The one where
you know
exactly what is being thought
but the person doesnt have the fucking balls to say.
When you finally hear that already memorized speech. Really hear it.
The sound will force your eyes to bleed the bitter stench of self worth and failed understanding.
The hardest part is you.
The hardest part is you.
The toughest part: is me.
You. Will. Never. Deserve. Me.
Return. With. Honor.
oh and if you don't know what that means
honesty, fairness, or integrity in one's beliefs and actions: a man of honor.