So sue me. I took a week off. Its my blog. I''ll do what I want.
Don't worry I was only kicked out of my "friends" house.
(those " " symbols around friend mean that he really isn't a friend anymore.)
Lets play where is Scotty now. St. George Utah. See that was fun :)
So just under a month of winter break Scotty what are you going to do?
Wreck Bitches.
What's your five year plan?
Wreck Bitches.
What do you want for christmas?
Bitches to Wreck.
What books do you suggest your blog readers to dive into?
Duh that is easy: looking for alaska, perks of being a wallflower, the bible, paper towns.
(those books are in random order. We know the most important book on that list isnt on the top. Paper towns)
Oh you thought I was going to say the bible?
(well thats why the joke is funny. I set it up so you would think that and then BLASPHEMY! I didn't say it was the best.
I'm going to make a mormon joke. Forgive me.
(I don't need your forgiveness. get over yourself)
We had a white out dance at school. Everyone was dressed in white. The decorations were all beautiful white. I would sit and stare at the door. Sometimes when a presumable mormon walked in, they looked confused when they didnt see a pool of water.
Yea it's not that funny. Real life isn't always funny.
Except when my best friend sits on a cat and it dies.
Then it's fucking hilarious

SCOTTY! This is AWESOME, but I have a few questions. First, I thought you asked Santa for a camera for Christmas, and not "Bitches to Wreck." Second, I MUST HEAR THE STORY OF YOU GETTING KICKED OUT AND THE LOSS OF A FRIEND! Third, Did one of your friends sit on a cat and it died??? Fourth, Ok, so here is a Mormon Joke I thought of (Yeah, by myself :D ) So here it goes: What do you call a Mormon pedophile? Answer: Brother. Also acceptable answers are: Bishop, Elder, or Packer.
ReplyDelete1 i cant very well say bitches to wreck to santa....even though he did tell me and megan about his sweeney todd past.
ReplyDelete2 im not telling you bugger off
3 Yes. Diana sat on a cat that was already stupidly being smothered in blankets and she sat on the blankets.
4 "like" hehehheheh