In the little space between the beginning of this paragraph and the ending of the previous one, I decided to look over my 2010 status' to find cool things that I thought were important. The first one I came across was
This doesn't sound like it's starting well at all. Well that was something memorable this year. Being kicked to the curb for simply giving up an already failing team. It's sad when the people you thought knew you best end up leaving you for not playing pretend with them. That's all it was. I'm sure the 7 people who came to our shows can vouch for me to. We were pretenders.

First status of January 2010
I'm Aquarius destined for greatness or madness.
I am a bit confused as to why I would post this first off because I am a gemini. (second off because....JUST DON'T EAT MY BUTTER AND EGGS.) Last year my first words of the year were LUMOS and then all the fireworks went off. I wanted to continue that tradition this year but for some reason I was to angry to remember it.

The first post of February 2010
Listening to A Child's Prayer with my roomate Ashton. What's your fav primary song everyone? I need a playlist :D
I would do so many things to be able to go back to the time when I was roomates with Ashton Scarlet. One of the most influential beautiful people I have met at CEUSUAWTF. He is one of those people that I can honestly say if nothing happens at college (meaning an associates or some stupid peice of tree) that it doesnt matter because I found him and his spirit and mind is so much more important than anything else I could of found there. I miss him terribly.

The First post of March 2010
>_< Someone true eagle me
The next post later that night says: So I true eagled 13 people......
Can we discuss? I remember everyone telling me how shit I was at kissing. They all gave me tips and stuff so I can be better. Apparrently you're not to pucker your lips. I'm glad I experienced this before I found a legitimate partner. (one girl I actually started to laugh before she kissed me [i was actually overcoming a runny nose] and I swear to god she got a load of scott not right above her lip. It was disgusting. We pretty much became really good friends though...WTF?
another march post I want to discuss is I JUST BOUGHT MY FIRST POKEMON DECK AS A TEENAGER. I really like this one because it shows that I don't give a shit about being older and still enjoying things that I did was when I was younger. NBD I'm just a nerdfighter.

First (interesting) post of March 2010
Sense I live in a completely made up world I'm going to pretend that was dedicated to me :)
Basically this boy in my musical singing class sang a song from a musical I like. I really really crushed on him (at the time) and I was so in (not lust or love but...i guess) excitement when he sang it. I made that status and he said something to me like: Scott I read your status wasn't her song amazing?! I wanted to shout I MEANT YOU IDIOT!!!! but that really isnt how I roll
Next up is one of the most remarkable times i had this year. Status reads:
This was something that was absoultely monumental!!! Basically I was with the amazing Leisl Cope. We played harry potter characters. Neville and Ginny. It was great fun. My two favorite parts of this were: Leisl's singing :D and my answer to: How would you use your super powers to get a cat out of a tree? My response? Why would I want it out of the's probably having a really great time. After I lipsynched to some drag song I went offstage and coughed for the better half of 15 minutes. After that I went back upstairs and in a LANDSLIDE vote WE WON TOP PRIZE!!!!!!!!!

The first (interesting) post of May:
I feel like this one doesnt need an a bamf(ing) wizard. get over it.
also interesting:
My mom just said godspell is not church music. hun i dont know if you knew but godspell is very spiritual and just because it didnt come from a multi million dollar church doesnt mean it cant be played on sunday thanks for playin!
This status rocks my socks. I believe that whatever song makes you feel closer to christ you should play it loud and proud :D or any song that makes you closer to the things you love

First post of june:
If somebody likes me, I want them to like the real me, not what they think I am. And I don't want them to carry it around inside. I want them to show me, so I can feel it, too. I want them to be able to do whatever they want around me." — Stephen Chbosky (The Perks of Being a Wallflower)
another interesting post is:
Lego harry potter boom.
I can't forget the days of sitting on my huge bed with ariel lee trying to figure out how that game was supposed to work. It was seriously such a good time. Then going to tuachan and sitting in the grass and just talking. like best friends should. I love you Ariel Lee

Things happened in my life that are way to amazing to be explained by status in JULY
It all started when Megan Holt posted a video of me doing my D Phil impression onto Facebook. A boy named Ian commented on it and the rest is history. We exchanged Skype and became new best friends! Ariel Lee, Megan Holt, Scott Zaborski, Ian Anthony. We can not be defeated. Around this time I was starting to become more aware of the feminine gender. I wanted to incorporate things into my life that showed that neither gender is better than the other. I thought what were prominent male things in the world and instantly i thought of the whole SUCK IT term. That someone will say to someone else when upset. I thought how can I take this and make it be more all inclusive? OH duh LICK ONE! It's sexual at the same time rude and it deals more with the female being pleased then the male. HOW GROOVY IS THAT AMIRIGHT? So one time me Megan and Ian are all chatting. Ian says something I disprove of and in a joking voice i say LICK ONE. The next day I get up to check my Facebok and he has: I SHIT YOU NOT UPLOADED PICTURES OF HIM LICKING ONE! These pictures will live in infamy. I promise you that.

only two important VERY IMPORTANT status updates this month
and on this day of augaust 11th 2010 Scott Zaborski (20) went into the dmv and got his damn license
So excited for Bounty Day and its all thanks to Megan Holt.

I'm going to be completely honest here: Bounty day is: I-shit-you-not one of the top 5 most important days of my life. Everyone who needs to know about it already know about it. I'm not going to blog about it because that would kind of take away the beauty of it.

September is flogged with status' of Meg Goodstein's Choosing. I stupidly stayed logged in and she had updated my status for me. It doesn't matter though because everything she said was true. I don't know anyone else in student government that i would rather share a best dressed cubicle with. Meg Goodstein has been truly important to me this year. She is one of those people who say: Call me. and actually mean it. Those kind of people are hard to come by. Meg thanks for going through it all with me.

First interesting post of October
If I could describe Leisl Cope and Jamin Smith in one word it would be love. pure beautiful unfaulterting dedicated beautiful beautiful sweet sweet love.
I don't want to discuss on this either because they know what I'm talking about and what we all acomplished togther. They are to good for words.
The last post of October is one of my favorite things Ian Anthony has ever said:
So we'll go to rocky horror get dinner afterwards you'll drop me off and go to a huka bar? I'm in no way judging you.

First interesting post of November:
The world mourns the loss of a very wonderful person. before i listened to jason robert brown's great musical and even before i rea J.K. Rowlings great work that is harry potter i had POKEMON.Takeshi Shudo thank you very very much for making my childhood. this song goes to you.
Nothing that I care to talk about really happened in December. I got kicked out of a friends house and came home for three weeks. Nothing to exciting.
Now comes my favorite status of all 2010. Did you make the cut?
APRIL 18TH 2010
Diana Phillips: I hate driving through the canyon! I hate how the road sign rubs it in your face and says ICKY ROADS! I know they're icky gosh!
Me: um. I think thats icy......
Diana: .......oh really?

Thanks for sharing your year with us Scott. You made a big difference in mine. I do have to admit, I'm bummed not to have made the list :P
ReplyDeleteI absolutely LOVE everything about this post! 2010 was good, but 2011 will be even better! Can't wait to see you!
ReplyDeleteAhahahahaha! I love it (: my FAVORITE so far...
ReplyDeleteLove this one! Looking forward to a great semester and year with you as my neighbor. Love ya.
ReplyDeleteThis is a totally korean post, Scotty. I'm exceptionally glad I made it - not once, but TWICE (HA AND 2 PICS TO BOOT!)
ReplyDeleteYes, 2011 will be soo much more viking than 2010! I'm soooo excited for the NEXT BOUNTY DAY! Hopefully I'll be able to celebrate this one in person with you :D