In this quaint little building I have called home for the past almost two years I have often wondered who has lived here? Where are they now? What the fuck did they do with there lives? What the fuck am I doing with mine? The first time I got to sessions I opened my bedroom desk drawer and I noticed that a bunch of people had decided to write there names on the wood that made the drawer. I can't remember his name but what I do remember is thinking that it was one of the most interesting things going on for me at the time? I felt it was divine intervention that I decided to message this guy on fbook and say: "Hey wanker, We shared a room." It wasn't. It was just a waste of my time as he did not reply. Oh well. So now I am in what is now called the gamer room. Its the upstairs middle room in sessions. It is overrun with gamers everyday (myself include as of late) playing all sorts of games ranging from Black ops to plants vs zombies. It is your average gamer bedroom. I can currently see Oreo cheeze-it and walmart paraphernalia. We all set our computers ( and xbox's ps3's wii's) on a large table and hangout. One day I noticed this large table had several drawers (4) I started to pull each of them out and noticed they have all been drawn on.
A dream come true.
A small peice of sessions history all carefully stored for my history exploring convenience. It truly interests me what is important to people to waste there time writing. What is so important to them to write down so that other people can see and read forever. (or until this table is thrown out) Some things include:
Trevor is hot.
Monica Ackerson is hot.
Andy Jensen is a slut!
Really the only things I have learned from this is that we as teenagers need to learn some new words to describe the attraction we have to a member of the opposite (or same) gender.
Some of the inked in entries are actually interesting
Never live in BURTENSHAW, Your IQ will drop 1pt for every 12hrs you're there. -former genius
Dr Uhlig's chem class is driving me nuts!!! Even worse Dave Kardelis's physics class!!!
Here is a good place to point out that Those two sentences although close together were in different pen. Meaning they could of been two people.
I like to think of these people and think of what they did for this school, this country, for themselves. If they are making it big, if they are on the "right track" of success. If they are alive.
If they are dead.
If someone who wrote in one of these small history capsules has passed on it might be interesting to think about what other (if any) interesting marks they did to the world, besides writing there name in a drawer. Is that what they worth, is that what they have become? After all, That's All I will ever know of them. (Besides you Jeremy fackerell) ((I messaged him to read my blog))
His facebook profile says he is from kearns Just like his ink entry. So if he ends up not reading this I guess it's not hard to figure out why.
Just kidding with you Fackerell.
(I'm not kidding)
As Lame as it sounds, I am going to join this league of desk damagers just so my mark on history will surely be made. If I don't make it big on Broadway in New York at least I can look back and say I made it into a drawer in Price, America. cc
Loving this!