I am going to do Blog every day in April this year! I wish I could do VEDA but without a video camera that might be quite difficult.
As you can probably tell I am posting this a day late. Why? You ask?
Cause I was oh you know just to busy with my college experience.
Yesterday (april 1st) was absolutely brilliant.
Me Diana Jasmine and Amber went to coldstone for ice cream. I got "the pie who loved me" but instead of the ice cream the recipe called for I used oreo filling ice cream. It was quite good. The twins both got some kind of amazing chocolate eruption. After that we went to pioneer park and walked up the big hill and sat and talked for a long while. I would tell you how long but I don't know and time doesn't matter when you're with friends anyway.
The thing you need to know about that damn hill is you cannot climb that shit without shoes on. My feet got so many thorns and all, It was horrible.
We talked about:
Boys we like
Boys we don't like
Eagle Frenzy. (Most importantly the lite brite dance)
We also talked about places we were going and places we wanted to go.
Unfortunately these tend to be two different places.
Not for me though
Not for me.
After that we went and got our grub on which was quite...disgusting.
I SHOT A GUN. A 22 TO BE PRECISE. MY FIRST GUN IT FELT AMAZING. This might sound really lame but all i could think of was American Beauty and titanic.
I wanted to say: Keep order! Keep order I say! Or I'll shoot you all like dogs!!!! but there were about 27 people there and I thought that might sound awkward. So instead when people asked me how it felt I told them It made me feel powerful like king says in american beauty. All in all a great day.
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