Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hogwarts a History

Whenever I'm in a play directed by the wonderful Corey Ewan he has a habbit of talking about the playwrights as if they're best friends. The other day we all got in the habit of adding in our own lines to cover up the fact that we aren't memorized. I tried this and miserably failed

"Umm....Well.....Scott I don't think Kaufman and Heart wrote that did they?"

This got me thinking these people who wrote/typed a bunch of letters onto a peice of paper of which we are now performing are still being remembered. These guys have been alive for tens of tens of years but still we know there name. Just like people will still know Jonathon Larson's name in a hundred years or the way that people who couldn't give two dingy clingy shits about theater still know who Shakespeare is and probably can at least recite one line.

I think there is no world without theater- Edward Bond

Basically what I am saying is that: We will be remembered. As a professional of theater whether its writing, directing or, acting We will be remembered. We are the writers of history.

We are the history.

Whatever you are; be a good one. - Abraham Lincoln

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