A song to match your mood.
If I'm wayyy pissed and want to fuck shit up this is my playlist
Bitch of Living- Spring Awakening
Build a Wall - Shrek the Musical
How to Save a Life- The Fray
East Jesus Nowhere - Greenday
There's a good reason these tables are numbered honey, you just havent figure it out yet -Panic! at the disco
a song that I feel matches my mental health is Rilo Kiley's "Better Son/ Daughter" That song almost describes perfectly how I feel about my life.
A song that represents my lustyness would be dance a$$ remix by big sean featuring Nicki Minaj
Next! A picture of something that makes you happy
Heres pictures of the people that make me happy

DISCLAIMER: Ok so basically I wanted to be really cute and upload two photos of each of my really awesome friends and then have a paragraph by the pictures that describes why they make me hapy but the blog is freaking it's shit out. I don't know how this is going to look when Its done but read these and then look at the picture lololol
First up is Ariel. Basically her family saved me. She is the only person I can honestly say I would drop anything I was doing to talk to her. If I was about to go on stage and I saw she was trying to call I would answer make sure everything is ok then tell her I'll call her back. I owe her and her family everything. The amount of things they have done for me in my life is impossible to even try to list.
The wife is next. Today someone asked me why I love Lisha so much I gave them three reasons
1 I've never had a friend who can make me laugh my ass off
2 Because of how completely different we are from each other
3 Because how completely similar we are to each other.
Now here are some more reasons: Running with scissors dances. mcdonalds dances. infinite. and the willow.
This is Bethany and I love her because I always feel good about myself whenever I am around her. She has never stopped believing in . She pushes me in theater and has always just made me feel so good about the things I do.
I can tell you in one word why I have so much respect/admiration for Wilford Woodruff: Faith. He is the most spiritual person I have ever met. I could talk to him for hours about God. I love his no nonsense attitude and how he is going to tell it exactly how it is. That's what I think people need to learn to do is stick up for what they believe n omatter what anyone might say. Also his salsa dip is heaven
Grace Wilson is the person who makes me feel ok to be me. To stick up for the inner nerd in myself. I love everything she is and represents. One time I tried to call her and Wonder Woman answered. Wonder Woman. Yeah. Wonder Woman. So this semester all three of us are going to explore the world. (I'm thoroughly excited )
PT is a fuckin badass. He introduced me to the most amazing website in the world and the best hockey team. He is also a great great great great great great great grandson of Salazar Slytherin. I can't believe the ambition packed inside such a little guy. Last semester I was always excited to hang out with him but then he would never be out of his room on the weekends. I figured he must of gone home a lot. OH NO. He sticks himself into his bedroom to learn how to play guitar/piano/vlogging/HOW TO MAKE A DAMN GREEEN SCREEN. Serious.
I love you Ash Ketchum.
ReplyDelete"I love Bethany because I always feel good about myself when I am around her." So incredibly true.
ReplyDeleteI love this.
This made me freakin' cry. I love you.