Friday, April 20, 2012

To Mr. VanAmen, with love.

I would do a top ten list on why Kyle VanAmen is a complete and udder idiot but the amazingly awesome thing about me is that I can indeed write into something that we call paragraphs. You call theater useless. The only way I can wrap my head around that statement is that by meaning "useless" you are meaning money. That money for me will be hard to come across. This is where the argument is completely useless to try and discuss. In your long drawn out boring articles the one thing you seem to think is that the most important thing a person can find in life is money. I could be wrong by this statement, one quick search on your name reveals that you don't always write in 10 bullet style segments but that you actually do have some ravishing opinions on such interesting points of life like fly fishing and marriage.

But, I digress. To get back to my point: Money isn't everything. It's important to survive and to live but if I lived trying to find money instead of doing what I love to do then did I really live anyway? I think it should be simple enough for you to agree with me on this point though as you have seemed to put some great effort and time into an unplaced unqualified losing team.

Also you seem to think highly of yourself because your articles get "responses" That you seem to think because people have disagreed with you it makes you a qualified writer. How I long for the times where the paper would show off articles that took some important time in digesting and trying to understand. Your articles do that also but, for the wrong reasons. Instead of trying to make me think of a new way to look at some aspect of life, your articles leave me scratching my head.

Also digressing but it's just because your pretentious opinions really piss me off. (chalk one up for being great at writing!) I'm not writing to you to let you know how much you disgust me (which you undoubtedly do) but because I want to teach you a certain aspect of being a human being: Love. Theater for me is love. It's waking up to a new morning so excited because for one more day you get to experience this wonderful thing that is art and keep improving your craft and sharing life experiences with other people.

I would like to point out the fact that you think that because the last paper is out you no longer have to hear what other people have to say and the amazing thing about that is that there are more forms in public opinions then a a paper written in the middle of nowhere utah that gets maybe 200 views a week. We also have facebook! So as long as you keep wanting to argue about the reason I live I will always find a way to reveal yourself as the pretentious lost individual you are.

You also cite that because you have a beard and are going to be a medic that you get the final word. I'm not even going to attempt to write out why you having a beard is completely stupid and completely boring argument. I will however discuss your opinion that because you are a paramedic you get the last word: You say that you will save my life one day. But I hope you can promise me one thing: If you ever find me on the side of the road bleeding out of my throat or having a gash in my stomach that causes me to lose site of the world or you find me choking on something to big to swallow (yay for gay sex jokes!) or I get poisoned and the only way I can be saved is to have an ER ride with you then please promise me this: You will take the time to cover my throat so that I can't breath and that you will cut out a hole in my chest ripping out my delicate heart making sure that I bleed all over into the gutter for the rats to swim in. Because I would rather die than have to say that my life was saved by someone as incompetent, soulless and heartless as you.

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