Saturday, January 7, 2012

Something you're afraid of

Alright little bitches. Let's get personal I have 3 things I'm afraid of. 2 of these things are pretty normal. The 3rd is pretty unique.

No big deal here just a fat ass fucking scary as shit on a popsicle spider from the depths of hell. I can't stand these cute little fuzzy fuckers. I hate spiders. Hate them. I can't stand baby spiders I will leave the room I will get up and run yeah. even for the babies. Everything for the babies. (forgive the pun spinal tap)

So Scotty is gonna tell you a little story. Once upon a time (when I was afraid of spiders...this didn't happen till around 12 and I'm not sure why) but I was about 17 laying in my cozy ass bed where you would think none of satans children would roam. Think again.
So I'm laying there and I feel something on my leg (ok don't start your judgement yet everyone feels a spider in the bed at least one time. giggidy.) And so i sweep whatever was there and calmly lay my head back down to rest. When I feel another something on my leg ......arm........shoulder.....asscrack. WHAT THE FUCK instantly I think: SPIDERS SPIDERS SPIDERS SPIDERS. I rush out turn on the light and notice the scariest thing I have ever seen in my life. About 300 baby ass tiny satan spawn. There on the ceiling crawling down the wall hanging from there baby sap from the wall on my bed fucking everywhere. Seems Spider Momma decided to open her deep wide set vagina right in my bedroom and squirt out the anti christs fecal matter all over my face. I couldn't sleep I couldn't talk I couldn't scream It was quite tramatic. And if you don't think so then fuck you

No big monologue here. I'm just scared of change I hate it. That's all.

Ok pretty normal so far right? spiders and change? awesome well heres where you find out that scott is bat shit crazy and scared of the most ridiculous thing possible

So what are you thinking here? Weird windows? patterns? heights?
Tall Ceilings.

I'm going to sit here while you let that sink in.


The very first time I went to midnight mass with my Aunt Sue and my Mom Dad and brother I fell asleep I was on a bench and I was just big boy size enough to be able to lay my head down so that the end of the bench was right on my neck. So that when I woke up my head would be directly facing the ceiling.
I remember waking up
I remember thinking
Wow That's really tall
oh wow that's super tall
I don't like that at all
Why can't I move my eyes

I looked down and thought

Never look up in this room again.

And I didn't I left Jesus' house scared as shit.

This has affected me throughout my life. If I'm in a room that has a tall ceiling I have to look up I don't have a choice my head just instantly goes and won't look down without much provoking.

Concert Buildings

Three of the scariest places for me

1 comment:

  1. How tall does it need to be? Like theatre/concert hall/church tall or do vaulted ceilings in houses bother you as well?
